About Me

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I am a 22 year old college graduate (hurray!!) who has two degrees (business and psychology). I am going to do the DCP in August because I dont want to grow up. I can't wait to be living in FL again in the happiest place on earth!! A cautionary whale: I talk about everyone and everything in this blog...my opinions are just that...opinions so take them at face value and if you don't like what I have to say...then don't read it, Einstein!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Why I am determined...

So in my sophomore year I declare a Psych major here at Meredith. That same year I also decided to go work for the Disney College Program. While I tried to get credit for going down, i ended up with none.

Now thats all fine and dandy except there are a few things I didn't count on while being down there: Meeting my best friend in the whole world. Wanting to move down there so I can play at the parks regularly (I should have seen that one coming). Adding my business major.

So now I am 2 semester away from graduation and I am 12 hours short of earning two degrees in business and psychology. My solution? Stress myself out more than possible by adding an additional 3 credits to my 18 hours. So I am taking 21 hours this semester. 6 hours over winter break and then another 21 hours in the spring. All just to graduate with two stupid degrees.

I'm not even sure it's worth it anymore...

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