About Me

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I am a 22 year old college graduate (hurray!!) who has two degrees (business and psychology). I am going to do the DCP in August because I dont want to grow up. I can't wait to be living in FL again in the happiest place on earth!! A cautionary whale: I talk about everyone and everything in this blog...my opinions are just that...opinions so take them at face value and if you don't like what I have to say...then don't read it, Einstein!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Still no magical folder

So I got over excited and went to get my mail today at 7am. Now I didn't use my brain to think that the nice mailman doesn't put our mail into our boxes until 1pm. Holy Crap. I have to wait till 1pm all day to even check?! This whole waiting to find out if my future is on track is actually really annoying.

I think I've decided that I'm super excited about recreation-AS LONG AS I DON'T GET AN ARCADE. I would be so happy incredibly happy to work at the Grand Floridian Health & Spa work out center(I dont even know if this is somewhere we actually could work, but it would be super cool). I would love to possibly be working at one of the golf courses or mini golf course or the marina. NOT AN ARCADE!!


Did I mention that I DONT WANT TO WORK AT AN ARCADE? perhaps I should explain why. See Migraines are hereditary in my family (thanks mom). Whenever I am exposed to super bright lights, excessive overtly loud noise I ALWAYS end up with a Migraine. Therefore I avoid concerts, looking directly into light and ARCADES. NO ARCADES EVER!!!

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