Official Countdowns:
My Birthday (#22) is in 16 days
Graduation is in 43 days
Check in for Disney is in 143 days
I bought my cap and gown yesterday...I have actually debated if I wanted to walk at graduation or not quite a bit. Our speaker is rather boring, it will be rather hot, I have quite a bit of disdain for my school and the only member of my family coming is my mom. It made more sense to simply pack up everything myself, give it all to Aunt Leenie and then just fly home instead of paying for mom to fly down here and then flying both of us back. However, the more I thought about it, the more i realized that people don't usually regret things that they do but rather things that they don't do. So come May 10th 2009, at the horrendiously early hour of 9am I will be walking across the stage at Meredith College and getting my diplomas.
My school's formal was last night. I had an amazing dress (that I bought forever ago and never had a chance to wear until last night) and my hair was awesome (tiny side bun...I wish I had longer hair, that way it would have looked better but oh well).
No one made me dance which made me very happy. I sat in the back and got to watch all of the dresses (the good, the bad and the seran wrap ones) and I was privilaged enough to see all the sex happening on the dance floor. Since when is it acceptable to pull up your dress and grind on your boyfriend in the middle of a crowed dance floor? Sadly I wish I were making that up. There were quite a few girls who were so incredibly drunk that they could no longer stand and their boyfriends/dates had to carry them around. Also, there was a huge fight and the guy was escorted out of the dance. I am not sure what happened but it looked rather serious.
My roommates birthday is on Monday so I gave her all of her birthday presents last night and she was really excited about them! I bought her Guiness glasses (she spend a semester in Ireland and is rather attached to anything Irish), drinking glasses for her new house, a book, mint kisses and an apple peeler. Her and her fiancee are moving into their apartment today...well he is moving in, she is still going to be living with me till the end of the school year but will move in with him after the wedding.
Its 10:30am on a saturday and there are A LOT of girls in the fitness center right now. More than I would have expected for a early saturday morning. Glad I didn't skip work today.
In Disney news, Monday and Tuesday are my live presentation here! I am very excited to see Andy (my recruiter) again, as well as the reps from UNC (they are rather far and we dont get to see them often). Plus I love getting to talk about my experience at Disney and lets face it, the movie makes me cry everytime. There is so little Disney in my life right now that it is sad. 143 days until I check in for my program, but that means 140 days till anything Disney really happens. I have all my bedding, towels, clothes that I want to pack, etc completely ready since I am just packing up my dorm room and essentially bringing that. The one thing I really want to do differently this time, is write to my family. I remember being little and LOVING any mail that had my name on it. I really want to write postcards to my sisters more this time down.
I need to decide if I want to bring my TV again. I was the ONLY roommate who brought a TV last time so it went out into the living room which caused it to get quite a bit of use. If our (mine and Amandas) room has a cable plug, I might just leave it in our room. I don't want the other roommates to think we are hording it, but it is rather old and I would prefer to have it kept intact for another 5-6 years before I have to buy a new one.
Things people forget to bring to the Disney College Program:
-Stamps (you'd be suprised how many of your friends will want postcards)
-Stuff for when you get sick
-Slippers (think about how many people have lived in the apartment before you and what might be living in that carpet).
-Egg crates for the beds
-Coffee Makers (I will be bringing my coffee maker...will I be making coffee with it? We'll see)
-Hand soap
-Laundry Detergent
well, i was thinking of bringing my tv for the living room, so if you all want me to, that works out fine for me - i don't think i really need one in my room. :)
That sounds great Em!
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