About Me

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I am a 22 year old college graduate (hurray!!) who has two degrees (business and psychology). I am going to do the DCP in August because I dont want to grow up. I can't wait to be living in FL again in the happiest place on earth!! A cautionary whale: I talk about everyone and everything in this blog...my opinions are just that...opinions so take them at face value and if you don't like what I have to say...then don't read it, Einstein!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So close!!

I am 9 days away from my Disney Christmas Vacation!

So I have to finish my social psych final, my corporate finance final and my french final! Sadly finals have become my life, so Ive done nothing. I haven't even watched a sabres game in a while. Sarah leaves on Saturday which means I have a whole week almost in the room by myself. I can not wait to be in Disney with Amanda again. I miss her tons!

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