About Me

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I am a 22 year old college graduate (hurray!!) who has two degrees (business and psychology). I am going to do the DCP in August because I dont want to grow up. I can't wait to be living in FL again in the happiest place on earth!! A cautionary whale: I talk about everyone and everything in this blog...my opinions are just that...opinions so take them at face value and if you don't like what I have to say...then don't read it, Einstein!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Email I sent today...

So I've posted every other email....here is the one I sent today:

Mr. Nieves,
Today we had to drive a half hour to receive the mail key from the only person we know in Orlando because your company insisted on mailing the key (that we should have had from the beginning) instead of coming to us or even fed-exing it to us. When we returned home to finally receive our mail, the key would not open the mailbox. It opens box 103, when we clearly live in 102 terrace ridge circle. Now we have been very patient about the broken items, the dirt in the apartment and even the mail key. However, we are reaching the end of the month when our electricity bill is due and we do not have the bill to pay. This is absurd and we need this issue corrected immediately. We feel like you are taking advantage of us simply because of our age. While we appreciate that you are taking care of the broken items and the filth, this needs to be the pressing issue and get resolved. Feel free to contact me as soon as you have any imformation regarding this issue.

Jessica Adams

This whole thing is just starting to make my blood boil. Are they kidding with this? Do they think because we are young and silly and this is the first time we are renting a home that they can just screw us over. Its getting really old, really fast. They could ruin my credit simply because they cant get their shit together enough to give us our mail key.

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